![]() America does not need Christians to save it -- especially by a political vote. America needs Christians to live out the gospel which says that all human life has value as all human life is made in the image of God -- and all human life can find salvation in Christ no matter what that human has done (not salvation in Christians which is a crucial difference)-- whether male or female, black or brown or white, rich or middle class or poor, Democrat or Republican or Independent, he who is in ministry leadership or he who ministers in the marketplace, she who has had an abortion and she who could never imagine choosing such, he who comes from one socioeconomic framework to he who comes from a completely different framework. It's never been that one political party has valued more life than another. Never. Abortion. War. Death Penalty. Veterans who get little or no care. It's always one cause over another, not all causes as equal. But we Christians can show another way by not assuming personal salvation is wrapped up in political sides. To do so reduces the value of salvation. We combat the empires of our day with relationships, love, mentoring, and humility. When Christ came into the world, the visible equation of God's definition came with him: power = humility. I know amazing people of God on both sides, and we do ourselves a great disservice -- nay play into the hands of the enemy who loves disunity -- by fighting as if this election is the end of the world or the beginning of heaven. It is neither. Let God be the Savior. Let us, His people, mimic Christ's humility and not assume our vote is our god or is our way to play god. I will not be manipulated into thinking one side is the holy side and I HAVE to vote that way. I hope you won't either. If you choose to vote Republican or choose to vote Democrat, or like me choose to vote neither ... please don't assume those who don't do what you do can no longer call Christ their Lord and Savior. And for the sake of the gospel if for nothing less, can we please please watch our reactions and our attitudes throughout this whole process?