It sucks.
We all want to be leaders, it seems. Some of us are told we are natural leaders, servant leaders, pioneer leaders, great future leaders. Some of us have been in leadership roles. Lots of them. We get leadership books when we graduate high school, college, graduate school. We get pats on the backs for our accolades, accomplishments, for the times we paved new roads. We begin to lead, and learn to lead well (usually by leading poorly and then getting back up). But... when we find ourselves no longer standing on leadership ground, what do we do? Whine. Curse. Get angry and take it out on others around us? Fuss? Get in a funk? We don't want to see that great leadership involves learning great servanthood. What was Jesus's attitude for the 30 years he wasn't ministering? When he saw someone who needed physical healing, emotional healing, psychological healing, was he told to sit still? Was he tempted to lead when his leadership skills were still being formed in him? What about Joseph who was given clear dreams of leadership and then began to climb the leadership ladder, just to fall hard and land his butt in jail. Here we have an amazing man full of leadership potential behind bars, and the reason he got there was because of his leadership in not falling into temptation. Some say he was in jail for 13 years.
What do we do when we were created for such a time as
We are created for something glorious right? But glory is in the eye of the beholder, and unfortunately, God beholds it much differently than I do. My prayers turn into: Oh God, waiting on you doesn't seem to bring anyone glory, but rather reduces me often to my most sinful self. Bring on the leadership roles! I thrive there. You made me for that, right? All the while, he is wondering if I can learn to sit without accolades, without accomplishments and just wait on him, for him, around him, with him. This is the gospel: Accolades get me nowhere. Christ gets me everywhere.
The glory he wants to behold directly reflects mirroring him: spending time away from the public, spending time as the servant, spending time alone with him out of the spotlight, out of the leadership roles, out of the way of ourselves. So when I don't get to preach, get to write for the public, get to give my speeches and hop on my soap boxes, he is molding me for such a time as ten years from now when I see glory as he does. (It might sound pretty, but it still sucks right now. Pray for me.)
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